Hi, firends i am going to share mt6253 changing video i hope you will get well info from this post regarding this mediatech chip named mt6253. i used this chip from old phone because this is not available in our market so i used old chip from old phone. leus start.
first remove carefully old chip from old phone but must be working.
then try to give some heat becarefull this chip have big area of ground under it and have not balls under this chip. so heat it with care you need to give more time against other chips like mt6225 etc, now put this chip out from board when you feel that its ground and all points under chip are fully melted.and same method for pasting 6253 to board need more heat and much care because mostly you will destroy board during heatting. so be very carefull.
See video also and don't forget to leave comments also subscribe my youtube channel for more stuff..
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first remove carefully old chip from old phone but must be working.
then try to give some heat becarefull this chip have big area of ground under it and have not balls under this chip. so heat it with care you need to give more time against other chips like mt6225 etc, now put this chip out from board when you feel that its ground and all points under chip are fully melted.and same method for pasting 6253 to board need more heat and much care because mostly you will destroy board during heatting. so be very carefull.
See video also and don't forget to leave comments also subscribe my youtube channel for more stuff..
How to change MT6253 part 1.wmv
How to change MT6253 part 2.wmv
Good Luck!